Chuyên sâu về ERP

Các nội dung chuyên sâu, chuyên ngành và tips hữu ích để ứng dụng ERP hiệu quả hơn.
Sự khác nhau giữa MES và ERP

Sự khác nhau giữa hệ thống lập kế hoạch nguồn lực doanh nghiệp (ERP) và Hệ thống điều hành sản xuất (MES) là gì? Đây là câu hỏi được nhiều nhà quản lý doanh nghiệp quan tâm và thời gian qua cũng có khá nhiều nhầm lẫn trong 2 khái niệm này, nhất là trong thời...

Manufacturing ERP’s: The Pharmaceutical Industry

Pharmaceutical companies make a valuable contribution to improving healthcare because medicine is one of the most effective ways to prevent, heal and cure diseases and other issues. An ERP solution is an important component in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. The Role of the Pharmaceutical Industry Pharmaceutical products play an important role in healthcare. Good health is a...

Moving Transportation and Logistic Businesses Forward

The Transportation and Logistics Industries face unique challenges compared to other businesses due to the constant movement, multi-location, and fast-paced nature of the business. Transportation and Logistics Businesses also have several critical back-office business processes that can greatly impact overhead and operational costs. Transportation and Logistics Businesses face challenges like struggling in monitoring the transportation...

Budgeting and Planning for the New Year 2020

3 Ways to Fine Tune Your Budgeting and Planning Processes for the New Year 2020 Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A) teams play a crucial role supporting major corporate decisions of the CFO, CEO, the Board of Directors and department heads. Unlike accountants who are in charge of recordkeeping, financial analysts are charged with examining, analyzing...

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